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4 steps to a successful job interview in French.

Written by Squidll | Mar 13, 2023 9:37:09 AM

4 steps to a successful job interview in French.

A job interview is always exciting and a bit stressful too. If you really want the job, a lot depends on the interview and you obviously want to make a good impression on the person sitting across from you. 

If the job interview takes place in French, it is normal that the pressure is even higher.

But don't panic! With the right preparation and some extra practice you can start the interview with confidence, even in French!

With these 4 steps we will help you on your way to a successful job interview in French:

1. Do your homework

If you want to sell yourself during your job interview, it is important to show that you know what you are talking about.

During the interview, it will soon become clear whether you have done your homework or not. If you fail, there is little chance that they will see you as the right candidate. So take the time and prepare well for your job interview.

  • Check out the company's website beforehand.
    Do they have their website in French too? Then focus on the vocabulary they use, so that you immediately learn the right words. Use those words in your answers to questions during the interview.
  • Study the vacancy thoroughly.
    What does the job involve? What are the company's expectations and requirements? First of all, don't forget to save the vacancy in advance because sometimes the company will delete this before you have your interview. Secondly, if you list all that information, you will know what skills or qualities you definitely need to mention or emphasise during the interview.

When a job interview takes place in French, you will need to prepare both for the content of the job as well as the vocabulary you will need to discuss how you are the best person to fill the role.

In this way, you will go into the interview much calmer and you will avoid falling silent during the interview or  searching for the right words to use. 

2. Prepare well

If your job interview is not your first interview, you probably already have an idea of what you can expect from it. Even though you can never be sure what you will be asked during the interview, it is useful to think about what you would answer to certain questions in advance. Because unlike a job interview in your native language, you now have to be able to respond with confidence in French.

By preparing yourself well and thinking about the questions beforehand, you will be able to react much more spontaneously during the interview. You already know what you want to say and you no longer have to search for the right words.

Which standard questions can you expect?

  • Parlez-moi de vous ?
  • Que diraient les autres de vous ?
  • Que diraient vos collègues/ votre famille et vos amis de vous ?
  • Quelles sont vos qualités ?
  • Quels sont vos défauts ?
  • Qu’est qui vous rend heureux dans votre travail ?
  • Qu’est ce qui vous attire  dans notre entreprise ?
  • Que savez-vous de notre entreprise ?
  • Exposez-moi un projet professionnel dont vous êtes particulièrement fier.
  • Pourquoi voulez-vous cet emploi ?
  • Quel poste aimeriez-vous occuper dans 5 ans ? Ou dans 10 ans ?
  • Pourquoi pensez-vous convenir à ce poste ?
  • Etes-vous un leader ?
  • Que pensez-vous apporter à notre société ?
  • Qu'attendez-vous de cet emploi ?
  • Qu'attendez-vous de cette entreprise en tant qu'employeur ?
  • Quelles sont vos prétentions salariales ?
  • Avez-vous des questions à me poser ?

3. Practise out loud

Good preparation is the first step towards success, but now you also have to be able to say your story fluently during the interview.

Practise out loud so you can hear what goes well and what does not. You can, for example, practise in front of the mirror or in front of your computer (or smartphone) and record yourself in the meantime. Afterwards, you can listen again to what you said and where it went wrong, so that you can focus on that.

By practising and repeating over and over again, you will become more fluent.
What may seem awkward in the beginning will gradually get better. Keep going until the moment comes that you feel "I can do this". 

Last but not least, be careful when using vous and tu in French. Always use the polite form vous! French people consider it very important to use this form in a professional context.

4. Boost your self-confidence

If you want your interviewers to believe in you during the interview, it is important that you do so too! Do you want the job and do you believe you are the right person for it?

Then you have to show it, and that has little to do with the language you have to speak during the interview. So believe in yourself and your qualities!

5. Get help

Do you still feel insecure about having to do the interview in French? Enlist the help of people around you who can help and give feedback.

Or enlist professional help. Our coaches can help you prepare for your job interview. Together, you will work on expanding your vocabulary relevant to the job interview and practise your answers to standard interview questions. Your coach will guide and support you until you can go to your job interview in complete confidence.

Do you need professional help to prepare for your job interview in French?

Create your account on Squidll, search for a business language coach who fits your needs and start today!