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How to respond to customer complaints in English

Written by Squidll | Dec 12, 2022 3:04:14 PM

Customer complaints: how to respond in English.

For most of us, handling complaints might not be the favourite part of our job. But that doesn't mean it's not important to give it our attention.

A customer who takes the time to formulate a complaint wants to be heard. So don't ignore that question! Make time for giving an appropriate answer so that you can strengthen the relationship with your customer further.

A customer filing a complaint actually gives you the chance to make things right again. This person probably believes in your brand and has had a disappointing experience.

By responding to the complaint you can make up for that lesser experience. This will also give you an opportunity to grow. With the follwing tips we want to help you formulate an appropriate response to an email complaint in English. 

1. Read the complaint

Take the time to read your customer's complaint thoroughly so you know what is at the heart of the complaint is. When you've really read the email of your customer you show them that you have made time to hear what they have to say. 

You can start your response by confirming that you received and read the email properly and then give a brief summary about the issue. This will also help you to understand what exactly the problem is so that there is no misunderstanding.

Confirming your customers complaint

  • We received your complaint regarding ...
  • We received your email with your complaint regarding ...
  • I am sorry to learn that ...


If the customer's email is not entirely clear be sure to ask for additional information. Miscommunication can only make the issue bigger so try to get clarity right away so you can offer a solution.

Ask for additional information

  • We'd be grateful if you could provide us with additional details regarding your experience.
  • To help us find a solution for your problem, we'd like to ask you to send us some more information about ...
  • Could you tell me a little more about why/how/what happened…?
  • Could you clarify what you mean when you say…?
  • Just to be sure that I understand, you are upset that ...

2. Apologize

There is really only one thing your customer really wants: a sincere apology. Don't start by defending yourself or minimising the complaint, but rather, acknowledge your customer's complaint and apologise  for the lesser experience they have had.

Apoligize for the lesser experience

  • I'm really sorry (to hear that).
  • I'm terribly sorry.
  • We are sorry this has happened.
  • My deepest apologies for any inconvenience we have caused you.
  • I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience (these issues may have caused you).
  • I am so sorry to hear that your experience with our company has not met your expectations.
  • Customer satisfaction is our priority and I am truly sorry that wasn't demonstrated to you.

3. Acknowledge the problem

This might be the most important thing you do for the customer: acknowledge the problem and discomfort your customer is communicating. 

Acknowledge the problem and discomfort

  • We realize the inconvenience this has caused you.
  • I understand how frustrating this must have been for you. We value our customers' time, and this should not have happened.
  • I would like to apologize for the frustration you've been experiencing recently.
  • We are truly sorry for the inconvenience and hope to offer you better services in the future.
  • I understand how frustrating this must be.
  • I understand how difficult/frustrating/disappointing that would be.
  • I understand why you are upset/angry/frustrated. 

4. Formulate a solution

It's important to formulate a solution or propose something to make it right again.

Show that you value your customer's complaint and that you will look for a concrete solution for them (but also for other customers so that they would not experience this problem in the future). 

Formulate a solution

  • We are prioritizing the issue you're faced with.
  • We are going to solve this as quickly as possible.
  • We will work to resolve the problem immediately.
  • We’re going to take care of it right away.
  • Our team is already working actively to resolve the issue. I'll notify you right away when it's fixed.
  • Our team has identified the source of the issue and is working actively to implement a fix. 

5. Thank your customer

Very few people take the time to contact you withtheir complaint. So express your appreciation for the time they've taken to send you that email.

Thank your customer

  • Thank you for your email. We take customer satisfaction seriously and are glad to hear from you.
  • Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your valuable feedback.
  • Thank you for your email. We take customer satisfaction seriously and are glad to hear from you.
  • I appreciate you making us aware of your negative experience.
  • We appreciate your feedback. It will allow us to resolve any problems that occur and help us to improve our services.

6. Give the opportunity to react

All feedback from your customers is valuable. Make them feel that you are open to their opinion and response. After dealing with the complaint, they might have further questions or feedback so give them a chance to do so as well.

Give the opportunity to react

  • For any questions or further assistance, please reply to this message or call us at ...
  • Please let us know if you have any additional questions, concerns or comments.
  • Please don't hesitate to contact us if we may be of assistance at any point in the future.
  • Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance.


Do you need help for your customer support in English?

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