Boost your negotiation skills in Dutch.


    How to get the best result out of your negotiation in Dutch?

    Negotiations can be tough, especially when you are trying to communicate in a language that is not your native tongue. But don't worry, with a little practice and the right tools, you can improve your negotiation skills and feel more confident in your abilities.

    If you're looking to negotiate in Dutch, we have compiled a list of 50+ key phrases that will help you navigate any negotiation with ease.

    These phrases cover everything from introducing yourself to making offers and counteroffers, so you can be prepared for any situation.

    Improve your business negotiation skills in Dutch.

    By familiarizing yourself with these key phrases, you'll be able to communicate effectively, build trust, and ultimately reach an agreement that satisfies all parties involved.

    So don't be afraid to give them a try and see how they can improve your negotiation skills in Dutch!

    1. Starting negotiations in Dutch

    Have you taken the time to greet each other and have a quick chat? Then it is now time to start negotiating. You can use these standard phrases:

    • Laten we nu ter zake komen.
    • We zouden graag overeenstemming bereiken over ...
    • Zou het geen goed idee zijn als ...
    • Ik zou willen voorstellen dat ...
    • Wat vindt u ervan als ...?
    • We zouden graag het volgende voorstellen ...

    2. Responding during a negotiation

    You will undoubtedly want to sound out how the other party feels about your proposal. You can use these standard phrases for this purpose:

    • Wat vind u van het voorstel om ...
    • Wat ziet u als oplossing?
    • Betekent dat, dat ...
    • Heeft u daar andere ideeën over?
    • Is het dus zo dat ...
    • Begrijp ik het goed als ...
    • Klopt het dat ...

    3. Agreeing to a negotiation

    Are the negotiations going smoothly and do you agree with certain (or all) suggestions from the other party? Then you can use the standard phrases below to express agreement:

    • Dat vind ik een prima voorstel.
    • Daar kan ik me wel in vinden.
    • Daar ben ik het helemaal mee eens.
    • Dat lijkt me een goed idee.
    • Dat is inderdaad de beste oplossing.
    • Dat klinkt heel redelijk.
    • Dat lijkt me acceptabel.

    4. Compromising in a negotiation

    Of course, you cannot always get what you want in all negotiations. Sometimes you will have to strike a happy medium. No problem! You can use these standard phrases to negotiate further and reach a compromise:
    • In principe ga ik akkoord, maar ...
    • Ik ga ermee akkoord, maar alleen op voorwaarde dat ...
    • Dat lijkt me niet haalbaar, behalve als ...
    • Dat is goed, maar alleen als ...
    • Ik wil het voorstel wel overwegen, maar alleen als ...
    • Daar stem ik alleen mee in als ...
    • Daar kleven wel wat bezwaren aan, bijvoorbeeld ...

    5. Not agreeing during a negotiation

    Is it impossible for you to agree to a proposal during a business negotiation? Then remember to respond in a polite and respectful way so that you do not put pressure on your business relationship. You can use the standard phrases below:

    • Dat lijkt me geen goed voorstel, want ...
    • Volgens mij is het beter als ...
    • Dat is helaas geen haalbare kaart.
    • Daar kan ik helaas niet in meegaan.
    • Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat er een betere oplossing te vinden is.
    • We zijn niet zo enthousiast over uw voorstel.
    • Helaas kunnen we daar niet op ingaan.
    • Ik wil daar nog even over nadenken.


    Having a strong command of negotiation skills can be a valuable asset in your professional life. And if you're looking to negotiate in Dutch, learning these key phrases can be an excellent starting point.

    BLOG / Business english for sales professionals
    Remember, negotiation is all about effective communication, and using the right phrases can help you convey your message clearly and confidently.

    So, take some time to practice and master these key phrases, and you'll be well on your way to becoming a skilled negotiator in Dutch.

    Best of luck!

    Do you need help to boost your negotiation skills in Dutch?

    Do you want to improve your business Dutch to become stronger in negotiations? Then you can book one of our language coaches on Squidll. 

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    Do you want more tips on boosting your business Dutch? Find out all our tips on our blog.



    About the author

    Nynke Spottiswood-de Jong

    Nynke is an experienced language coach and has been coaching English and Dutch in companies and in other contexts since 2004.