How do you formally greet someone in French?


    How to greet someone in French?

    One of the most basic elements of social contact at work is being able to greet one another. Saying hi to someone is the first thing you'll have to do!

    Depending on the context or circumstances you find yourself in there are many ways to greet someone in French. Remembere there's a very strict formal and informal code of conduct that is to be followed when speaking French! Always use "vous" in a formal setting and give a handshake. Use ‘tu’ only when you speak to someone you know very well, otherwise keep the conversation formal.

    We give you an overview of useful expressions you can use for greeting someone in a formal work setting.

    1. Basic greetings in French

    "Bonjour" is probably the first word that most French language beginners learn. Using bonjour (or bonsoir) is perfect for first greeting someone in either a formal or informal setting. Bonjour is the most common way to greet someone in French, but there are more options to use:

    • Bonjour.
    • Salut.
    • Bon matin (good morning).
    • Bon après-midi (good afternoon).
    • Bonsoir (good evening).
    • Bonne nuit (good night).

    2. Polite ways to greet someone in French

    • Bonjour / Bonsoir (at night).
    • Enchanté(e)
    • Enchanté(e) de faire votre connaissance.
    • Ravi(e) de faire votre connaissance.
    • Bonjour. Je suis très heureux(/euse) de faire votre connaissance.
    • Bonjour. Ça fait plaisir de vous revoir.
    • Bonjour. Comment allez-vous ?
    • Bonjour. Comment vous appelez-vous ?

    Do you need help to expand your business vocabulary and to feel more confident using certain expressions?

    Then you can consult one of our language coaches at Squidll. Together you can broaden your vocabulary and practise useful expressions until you can actively and confidently use them.

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