How to communicate more effectively in another language?


    Do you recognise the feeling that you just don't achieve the same impact or power in another language than if you could say it in your own mother tongue?

    When communicating in another language you might have difficulty finding the right words to express your ideas and opinions. This can make it challenging to communicate effectively. But the good news is, you can grow in this!

    It may take extra effort and practise to overcome these challenges and become proficient in the language.

    We give you 5 tips on communicating more effectively in another language.


    1. Expand your vocabulary.

    Building a strong vocabulary and learning new words and phrases can help you express yourself more effectively.

    Regularly learn new words and phrases related to your areas of interest and daily life.

    • What vocabulary or jargon is your company using? Check the company website and you immediately have a good idea on the vocabulary that the company uses to present itself to the public.
    • Learn from your coworkers: take notes during meetings, check their emails, etc.
    • Read books, articles and newspapers in the target language to expose yourself to different contexts and improve your word bank.

    Use vocabulary-building tools such as flashcards, vocabulary lists, and language-learning apps to keep track of your new words and phrases.

    The tips in these blogposts may also help you to expand your business vocabulary:


    2. Practise speaking regularly.

    Don't shy away from speaking the language, even if you make mistakes. Practise speaking with native speakers or language exchange partners to gain confidence and improve your fluency.

    Join language groups or conversation clubs to create opportunities for regular practise.

    Having trouble to speak in public? These tips might help you as well: 


    BLOG / Communicate more effectively

    3. Listen actively.

    Listening comprehension plays a crucial role in effective communication. Listen attentively to your conversation partners and ask clarifying questions if you didn't understand something.

    Engage in activities like listening to podcasts, watching movies or TV shows, and listening to native speakers. Pay attention to pronunciation, intonation and the use of idioms and expressions to enhance your listening skills.


    4. Use simple language.

    When communicating in a language other than your mother tongue, you should use simple language and avoid complex sentence structures. This can help you avoid grammatical errors and make your communication more easily understood.

    Visual aids such as diagrams, charts, and graphs can also help you communicate more effectively, especially when discussing complex ideas or data.


    5. Learn cultural nuances.

    Language is deeply intertwined with culture. Understanding cultural nuances can help you communicate more effectively.

    Familiarize yourself with customs, gestures, and social norms of the target language's culture:

    French Culture

    • Punctuality is highly valued in France. Arriving late to social events or business meetings may be seen as disrespectful.
    • In French culture, it is common to engage in lively debates and discussions, even on sensitive topics. However, it's important to maintain a respectful tone and avoid personal attacks.

    German Culture

    • Germans typically maintain a greater personal space compared to some other cultures. Physical contact such as hugging or kissing on the cheek is usually reserved for close friends and family members.
    • Germans appreciate directness and value clear and concise communication. They often expect straightforward answers and may perceive excessive politeness or beating around the bush as a sign of insincerity.
    • Punctuality is highly valued in German culture, and being late is generally seen as disrespectful. It's advisable to arrive a few minutes early for appointments or social gatherings.

    English culture

    • English greetings often involve a firm handshake and making eye contact. Hugging and kissing are generally reserved for close friends or family members.
    • English people are known for their politeness and often use expressions like "please," "thank you," and "sorry" in everyday conversations. Politeness and courtesy are highly valued.
    • The English tend to be more indirect in their communication style, using subtle hints and polite phrases to convey their intentions or requests. Understanding nuances and reading between the lines can be important in English conversations.

    Belgian culture

    • Belgians often greet each other with a combination of handshakes, kisses on the cheek, or a mix of both, depending on the region and the level of familiarity.
    • Belgians place importance on maintaining a harmonious and cooperative atmosphere. Consensus-building and compromise are valued in both personal and professional settings.
    • Belgians appreciate punctuality, particularly for business meetings or formal occasions. However, social events may have more relaxed timelines, and arriving a bit later than the stated time may be acceptable.

    Dutch culture

    • In the Netherlands, greetings typically involve a firm handshake and direct eye contact. Kissing on the cheek is generally reserved for close family and friends.
    • Dutch people value open and honest communication. They often express their opinions directly and appreciate straightforwardness and clarity in conversations.
    • Punctuality is highly valued in Dutch culture, and being late without prior notice may be seen as disrespectful. Arriving a few minutes early or on time is considered good etiquette.

    This knowledge will assist you in conveying your ideas in a culturally appropriate manner. Learn about the cultural norms and customs of the language you are communicating in to avoid misunderstandings.


    Learn to communicate more effectively in another language.

    Remember, effective communication in another language is a gradual process.

    By consistently practising these tips, you'll improve your language skills and enhance your ability to express your ideas and opinions more effectively and more fluent.

    Boost your career with the support of a language coach.

    Do you feel like you can't do this on your own? 

    With Squidll we make language learning more accessible and engaging. Do you want to practise an important presentation, prepare for a business call, boost a specific skill? You just book your session with one of our language coaches when you need it. 

    Our platform is 24/7 available and allows you to conveniently book a session with one of our language coaches whenever you require assistance.

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    Interested in more tips on boosting your professional language skills? Find all our tips on our blog.


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    More tips to improve your language skills? Check out our blog posts or follow us on social media for frequent updates!