How to write business emails in French


    How to write business emails in French. 4 tips to boost your formal email writing in French.

    In every language there are different rules for writing a professional email.

    Below, we have listed the most important rules for emails in French, so you can always get the right message across in the most appropriate way.

    1. Addressing people correctly

    • Madame, Monsieur : If you are writing to a general email address or you don't know the person's name or the person’s gender, you can start with this form. Ladies first! This form can seem less welcoming, but is the most appropriate form of address when you want to formally address someone you do not know.


    • Cher Monsieur/ Chère Madame [surname] : Use this in formal emails to people you already know. Always use the surname afterwards, for example 'Cher Monsieur Dubois'  or 'Chère Madame Dubois'. Do not forget the capital letters!


    • Bonjour [surname] : This form can be used in less formal emails, depending on whether you combine it with the surname or first name.

      Do not use it if you do not know the name of the person you are mailing to, stick to 'Madame, Monsieur'.


    • Salut [surname] : Use this form only in informal emails in combination with the first name, 'Salut Sarah'.


    2. Signing off

    • Veuillez agréer, Madame / Monsieur [surname], mes sincères salutations : This is only used in official or very formal mails.

      Or you can use 'Veuillez agréer, Madame, Monsieur, mes sincères salutations' if you do not know who you are writing to.


    • Cordialement / Bien à vous : This is still a formal salutation, but warmer.


    • Bonne journée : For less formal emails to people or colleagues you know well, this form is always a good choice. Feel free to vary here. You can wish your addressee a 'Bon week-end', or a 'Belle journée'.


    Don't forget to use a comma after the address and the final greeting. 

    3. The use of formal 'vous' and informal 'tu' 

    As you know, in French there are two forms for the second person singular: 'Vous' and 'tu'. It is very important to use the right form in your formal or business communication: 

    • Use 'vous' for formal emails or letters to people you don't know or with whom you have no personal relationship.


    • Use 'tu' for people you know well, such as colleagues. 


    If you are not sure which form is appropriate to use in your email, please do not hesitate and always use vous in formal communication! Your contact person will indicate in his/her response whether tu would be appropriate.

    But when it comes to business contacts, there is a good chance that they will continue to address you as vous as well.

    4. Be short and to the point

    We have repeated several times how important it is to remain formal with French-speaking contacts. But that does not mean you cannot be forceful in your communication.

    Like all of us, the French have a lot of emails to process, so keep your emails short and to the point. There is no need to start with something polite that has nothing to do with the message of the email. Get straight to the point and try to get your message across efficiently.

    That is the best way to win the heart of your correspondent 😊


    More tips on writing business emails? These articles might also interest you:


    Do you need help with writing business emails in French?

    If you need more tailored help with your writing skills or feedback on a specific email you've written, then you can consult one of our expert language coaches *on Squidll.

    Together you can prepare your email, extend your vocabulary and improve your text until you're happy with the end result.

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